Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
Mario's Minute 006 ft. Sean - Toys "R" Us Memories and Lack of Cross-Play
Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
We're joined by Sean in this episode of Mario's Minute! A long time friend, collaborator, and guest who's been featured on the channel a few times, it's now time for him to put him onto a podcast for the first time! We tackle Toys "R" Us shutting down, Sony's defiance against cross-play with other consoles, a few games we're playing, and more! Join us.
Wednesday May 30, 2018
Mario's Minute 005 - RIP to Best Buy GCU, YouTube Messing with Sub Feed
Wednesday May 30, 2018
Wednesday May 30, 2018
Another month, another episode! Continuing off of last month's episode, I provide an update into my experience with Keto, my thoughts on video game discounts being disrupted with Gamers Club Unlocked from Best Buy being killed off, the Xbox 360 being hit with an update out of nowhere, and some "experiments" YouTube is doing. Sound interesting? Stay tuned.
Wednesday Apr 25, 2018
Mario's Minute 004 - Bent Nintendo Switch, God of War, GameCube HDMI Impressions
Wednesday Apr 25, 2018
Wednesday Apr 25, 2018
Back to a solo episode! After having two guests on in a row, I decided to go solo on this episode and talk about whatever was coming to mind for topics. First of all - new environment! If audio is still getting dialed in right now it's because of a recent move, however I'm hoping everything will sound okay from the new office this is being recorded in. It also seems like I've FINALLY dealt with the bending Switch issue, which results in a fifth RMA I discuss here. Along with some God of War thoughts, GameCube hardware discussion, and HDMI solutions, this episode seems to be half gaming, half personal. Let me know what you all think of this one!
Wednesday Mar 28, 2018
Wednesday Mar 28, 2018
Devin aka ParanoidCoder doubles up for podcast duty this month to be the first physical guest for Mario's Minute! Devin is my co-host on ModChat so I already have the pleasure of podcasting with him once a month, however I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to do an offline test of what our new setup would be like. If the audio sounds nicer than normal, great! If not, we'll continue to tweak it further on-air! For now, join us for stories of moving, a ninja hamster, and Lily's butt destroying society as we know it.
Wednesday Feb 28, 2018
Wednesday Feb 28, 2018
Daniel from ModBot joins in as the first guest for Mario's Minute! Daniel is, without a doubt, the person I have the absolute most experience collaborating with which made him an easy pick for a first guest. Daniel started out on YouTube as thedopesoner930 and was in the realm of console modifications, after speaking privately to him and doing our first collaboration on a Destiny video I made, we decided to start up ModChat as our monthly podcast. I aim for guest episodes to be more of a conversation than an interview, that makes for some natural banter and a relaxed environment for everyone involved, so I plan for future guest episodes to be similar to this. Join us as we talk about 4K upgrades, the recent cryptocurrency boom, and what games we've been obsessing over.
Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
Welcome to the first episode of Mario's Minute! This is a podcast I do either solo, or with a friend, where we talk about... Well, whatever we want to!
Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
Mario's Minute 000 - The Pilot Episode!
Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
This is the initial pilot of Mario's Minute, an episode which was made to test the waters and shop around for feedback. This is only available as an unlisted YouTube video and through podcast outlets, enjoy!